if you’re completely missing deadlines & overwhelmed with managing your content and business and all of the different tasks you have to juggle on a daily then we’ve got just a tool for you here’s the ultimate Asana tutorial where you’ll learn exactly how to use Asana in 2024.

I often hear how small business owners and new creators are overwhelmed with all the content they need to produce and all the Urgent tasks that just keep piling up and as much as I can relate I believe the number one reason why it’s happening is that they don’t have a system in place to organize their day-to-day activities and have a clear and efficient workflow to support everything they do in business.

We have several great tools to manage Projects & daily Tasks like Asana, and Monday.com Jira ( for tech ) today we are going to learn about Asana.com

Registration in Asana

let’s jump in so the first thing you want to do is to go to  asana.com and create an account it’s free.

Asana Registration Screen

now if Register an account you click pricing you’ll see that Asana has all the different pricing tiers but the free version is amazing and Way Beyond is one of the other project management tools out there.

Asana Pricing

Asana Pricing

so just click get started here and enter your email address now I highly recommend you join with your custom domain email rather than a Gmail or Yahoo email address because Asana will automatically recognize you as an organization and this means you’ll be able to create separate teams which is a fantastic.


addition to organizing your whole account and managing projects even better now a custom domain email means that you have your website and a few different email addresses that are connected to it.

You’ll be able to either try premium for free or just continue with basic I’m just going to sign up like this and you’ll be prompted to complete the setup with your areas of work and a goal plus add your first project once you have your account

Profile Setup in Asana

before we manage anything else I want you to go and adjust the Profile settings first you can update your profile which is super important to easily manage tasks within the team since when you assign a task a small profile picture of the assignee shows right next it and it’s important for the projects as well same goes for the name, of course,

I am going to put my Name, Designation About section, Profile Picture & Notification setup & email Setting for my account, How frequently I want to be reminded of pending tasks, Whenever a task is updated or completed.

We can manage notifications & email notifications according to the demand & are easily customizable.

Create a Team in Asana

Teams are subsets of people in your organization who collaborate on projects together. Each team has its own members, admins, projects, messages, and calendars.

Teams in Asana

we’re ready to create our very first team and this is done from the left panel now the way you set it up, of course, is very much unique to you but I like to think of the teams as part of my business so if you have a sales team if you have a marketing team you do the same thing for your Asana so click on the plus sign right next to teams go to a new team and from here you can choose the name.

If you registered Asna with your domain name invite people in different departments While Asana setup entering your domain will pull up all the different people in your Company using your company email address, So you can add them to any team, make them admin, Asign them & they can assign you a task, etc.

Even if you are an individual & looking to manage your day-to-day tasks I would suggest creating a Different setup of teams So you can Organize everything in a much better way & improve Workflow.

Getting Started with Projects in Asana

Projects allow you to organize the tasks related to a specific goal, or big piece of work into various views, including list, board, timeline, and Gantt.

there are 3 different ways to get started with projects.

  1. Blank Project Starting from Scratch.
  2. use a template, Prebuilt templates for different purposes.
  3. Import from Spreadsheet / Other tools.

Different Templates are available in the Project Templates section.

Cross-Team Planning

Project Views

one of my absolute favorite things about Asana is the fact that you can switch between different views now even though we’ve chosen board as a default view we can still click different views which is amazing for different people within the team who prefer to work differently now first we have an overview which is where the project description lives you’ve got the roles as well as status updates

which can be added from the very top in here now this is a super neat feature that lets you update your team on the progress and the status of your project.

If other team members have tasks that depend on each other they may not necessarily know how the team members are doing so it’s a fantastic way to kind of keep everyone focused and in the loop now at the top you can also click Remind me to update every Friday which turns on the notifications to update the status reminds you to communicate with the team and keeps you accountable

Create a New Task in Asana

Creating a Task for yourself or team members is very easy just head over to my task & click add task.

in the Task window, you can assign a task to yourself or search for a team member’s Name & it will pop up all the members so you can assign a task.

Just add the Title of the task where it says “Write a Task name”. Add due date. You can add time as well in Asana While adding a due Date. Add some description of the task & at the bottom, you can also add collaborators as well to keep important people engaged during the process like we did CC in Email to keep managers & other important persons engaged in a task.

you can also again set priorities like this you can Mark a platform you’re creating content for for example these can be pretty messy in general if you keep creating the different tags but also because they’re not as formal you can have so many different types of tags and the good thing is that they are searchable just like other projects you can just quickly pull up the tag that you want.

Free versions have everything that can be utilized to get maximum productivity but if you are a big team then getting a paid version will be required to get advanced features of Asana.